Union Bathrooms
Dear Valued Customers and Suppliers, It is with deep regret that we inform you that Union Bathrooms Ltd has entered into compulsory liquidation with immediate effect. This has been an incredibly difficult decision, and we understand that it may cause inconvenience and concern for many of you. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our customers, suppliers, and business partners for your support over the years. Unfortunately, due to ongoing economic challenges, we are unable to continue operations and must now close our doors for the final time. For those with outstanding orders or invoices, please be assured that the appointed administrator will be in touch with you in due course to provide further guidance on the next steps. We deeply appreciate the relationships we have built and the trust you have placed in us throughout our journey. Thank you for being a part of Union Bathrooms. With our heartfelt thanks and best wishes, The Team at Union Bathrooms
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